
Good morning!

Sun, 20 Nov 2011 14:59:24
"The others all laughed at this and Terry turned away angrily.Bill, further inspired by what he deemed an unfair reference to Edison, began to wax eloquent to the others concerning his hero.I dont believe Edison would have amounted to half as much as he has if he hadnt had the hard knocks that a poor fellow always gets." (c) Tavarse wnf69ce

Posted via email from TheAnand - Live & Living it.

World's first flying hotel - Helicopter Hotel?

World's first flying hotel - Helicopter Hotel?

Anand Subramanian,

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Future is not some place we are going to; but one that we create.

Posted via email from TheAnand - Live & Living it.

Info about Mahindra Zest Holidays

Indian Govt. Online - URL List

Please don't kill me !! :)

(1) What's the difference between a fly & a mosquito?

A fly can fly, but a mosquito cannot mosquito!!

(2) What did baby corn ask mom corn???

Where is Pop corn?

(3) Why is the River Rich?

It has two Banks!

(4) What do computers like to eat?


(5) Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to School???

She had a Bright Student.

(6) When does Gulshan Grover become Gulshan Grocer.???

Ans: When he travels with the speed of light.(At that Speed, V=C)
(Velocity = Constant).






Why did the girl changed her name from Shruti to Shraxis?
. Socho… kyu….. ???


Because  UTI bank is now Axis bank. Shruti ---Shraxis

1.                 A cow standing on the road keeps shouting 'F'... 'F'...


Because F=ma ( Newton 's Second Law :) )

2. A boy throws a bottle of Bournvita out of the window. A cat sees it, and takes the bottle of bournvita and buries it under the ground. Why?

Because 'CAT-BURIES' Bournvita

3. Who is called female Java?

Java'Gal' Srinath

4. 3 cockroaches are walking on the road. Suddenly 1 of them starts singing 'Tujhe Dekha To Yeh Jaana Sanam...' And the other 2 die immediately. Why?



























Because it was a HIT song.


Posted via email from TheAnand - Live & Living it.

Rich Man on his deathbed . . ..

A rich, dying man, laid on his deathbed, requested to be joined at his bedside by his vicar, his bank manager and his lawyer.

He instructed them that he wished to be buried, when he finally passed away, along with all his money. He gave each of them fifty thousand pounds and asked them to throw the money on top of his coffin, in the burial plot, when he died.

A couple of days later the old man passed away and was buried within the week. At the wake, the three men were chatting and the vicar was suddenly overcome with guilt. He confessed to the other two that he had only thrown only half of the money onto the coffin, as the church needed urgent repairs to the roof.

The bank manager thought, ‘What the heck if we are having a confession,’ and told the other two men that he had also only thrown half the money in, as the ‘Credit Crunch’ was hitting hard and he needed some money for the bank to stop it going bust.

The lawyer jumped up and said to the other two, ‘I think that is a shameful act on both of you. I threw a cheque in for the full amount!”

Posted via email from TheAnand - Live & Living it.

Cash is not the issue! - Startup Humour

The CEO of a start-up business informed his chief advisors that the company seemed to be in sort of difficulty and he wanted to know why.

"Well, its not cash," said the newly-appointed controller.

"How do you know?" was the CEO's next question.

"Because we don't have any," replied the controller.

Posted via email from TheAnand - Live & Living it.